Thursday, June 14, 2007

Sin against God and he will put you to death

1 Samuel 2:5 If a man sins against another man, God may mediate for him; but if a man sins against the LORD, who will intercede for him?" His sons, however, did not listen to their father's rebuke, for it was the LORD's will to put them to death.


God "may" mediate. I wonder what criteria God uses to make this decision.


Andrew Leyva said...

I'm no scholar of Hebrew, but I believe the author is using a literary device. God is greater than man, so God is able to mediate when only a mere man is sinned against. He could make right the offense since He is God. But how can justice be upheld if God is the one sinned against. Wouldn't it be unjust for him to let one who has sinned against a holy God off the hook. It seems to me the author's point is that the offense can be repaid by one greater than the offended, so if the Greatest Being is the one sinned against and offended, what hope is there?
My understanding is that because of our sin against God (I believe all sin is ultimately against God), we deserve His just condemnation of us all to some sort of punishment. However I also believe that God Himself has paid the debt that we cannot pay (because of our sin) by sending His Son to die for our sins and bear that wrath that we deserve and that by believing His Son, we receive the full benefits of His sacrifice. So to answer the "criteria" question, I believe the criteria for salvation and mediation is trusting in Christ (God's Son) who is the Mediator and source of salvation. So, trusting in Him would mean that we trust only in Him for our salvation and not in any of our good deeds.
Hope that's helpful.
-Andrew Leyva

Anonymous said...

Additionally, God is the ultimate source of wisdom, the original writer of truth.

There is no person or creature up to the task of intercession who can outdo God.

Anonymous said...

1 samuel 2:25